Thursday, November 9, 2017

Author Blog Tag

     I was sent a list of questions from a fellow author to answer in a tag.  Here are the questions and my answers to them.

1.)     Where is your favorite place to write?

         I don't actually have a favorite place to write.  I generally am just happy when I can sit down and just find the time to write.

2.)     Coffee or tea?

          I actually like both of these beverages but at various times of the day.  Coffee in the morning and then tea in the afternoon.

3.)     Favorite Book of all time?

         This is too hard for me to pick.  I can tell you that when I sit down to read I like reading romance, science fiction/fantasy, and self-help books.

4.)     NaNoWriMo?  Yes or No?

         No.  I am a pantser so doing NaNoWriMo would be hard for me because I don't like the stress of having to do so many words per day by the seat of my pants.  And, because I'm a pantser I definitely don't want to outline so NaNo would be difficult for me.  My philosophy is just write something every day regardless of how many words.

5.)     What genre would you write in if you had no restrictions?

       I would have answered erotica, but I did this already when I really wasn't ever planning to.  And, then I would have said historical, but now I am currently working on a historical, romance novel.  So I guess as a writer I should never look at writing as a restriction because you never know where your ideas will lead you.

6.)     If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

         Since I'm dealing with a health issue right now, I wish I had a super heart that would never fail me and never need repair.  (if only, then I wouldn't need open, heart surgery like I do currently).

7.)     Favorite Author?

      This is too hard for me to answer.  I like a lot of authors and I don't really have a favorite.

8.)     What kind of music do you listen to when you write?

       I like listening to instrumental music when I write like:  epic music, movie soundtracks, and such.

9.)     If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

      I currently live in Phoenix, Arizona and I have to admit that I like Arizona, but there are times in the summer that I wish I could live up in the upper areas like; Flagstaff or Payson.

10.)    What do you do when you get writer's block?

       I very rarely get writer's block, but when I do, I basically just make a note in my writing that I'm not sure what to write here, and then I go to a part in the story that I do know what to write about.  Sometimes when I do this it triggers my brain to come up with an idea to the previous part.

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